To be eligible for the President's List, a student is required to earn at least a 3.9 grade point average on a minimum of 12 semester hours completed.ÌýÌý
To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student is required to earn at least a 3.5 grade point average on a minimum of 12 semester hours completed.
Makayla Castille, President's List.
Isiah Chavis, President's List.
Brett Richard, Dean's List.
Madeline Credeur, Dean's List.
Adrian Lejeune, Dean's List.
Luke Reed, Dean's List.
Yvonne Martin, President's List.
Madelyn Touchette, Dean's List.
Jeffrey Chamberlain Jr, Dean's List.
Tailor Riley, President's List.
Hannah Carpenter, President's List.
Garrett Chamberlain, President's List.
Alexis Jones, Dean's List.
Jeana Banks, Dean's List.
Gabrielle Labat, President's List.
Kelsey Stapler, Dean's List.
Jessie Watts, Dean's List.
Jacob Hale, President's List.
Samantha Hale, President's List.
Emily Harvey, President's List.
Zachary Kilpatrick, President's List.
Shelby Lawrence, President's List.
Oliver McGehee, Dean's List.
Brady O'Quin, Dean's List.
Melanie Ortega, Dean's List.
Victoria Rathcke, Dean's List.
Kayleigh Richard, Dean's List.
Shelby Rybicki, President's List.
Mitchell Williams, President's List.
Peyton Zalewski, Dean's List.
Trevor Trabeaux, Dean's List.
Brynn Castagnetta, President's List.
Brooke Rivere, Dean's List.
Kasie Sagona, President's List.
Chelsea Daigle, Dean's List.
Leah Guillot, Dean's List.
Kayne Theriot, Dean's List.
Payton Lemoine, Dean's List.
Emily Prudhomme, Dean's List.
Madeline Bonnette, Dean's List.
Bree Mayeux, Dean's List.
Alyssa Juneau, Dean's List.
DeMarcus Wells, Dean's List.
Kallie Adams, Dean's List.
Lane Franks, Dean's List.
Justin Kimble, Dean's List.
Reilly Marsh, Dean's List.
Cameron Adams, Dean's List.
Christian Jones, President's List.
Cara Kuplesky, President's List.
Cassie Kuplesky, Dean's List.
Cassidy Lemoine, Dean's List.
Alexis Cooper, Dean's List.
Sarah Crosby, President's List.
Hannah Fariss, President's List.
Harmisha Gandhi, Dean's List.
Sabra Hanna, Dean's List.
Madelyn McDade, Dean's List.
Jacob Prudhomme, Dean's List.
Drue White, Dean's List.
Katie Bruce, Dean's List.
Rhiannon Weldon, Dean's List.
Zachary Christian, President's List.
Katelynn Giddens, Dean's List.
Mallory McCarthy, Dean's List.
Thomas Moss, President's List.
Jacob Hay, Dean's List.
Lucas Short, President's List.
Emily Terry, Dean's List.
Devin Armer, President's List.
Hannah Barton, Dean's List.
Audrey Crooks, President's List.
Kayla Dinkins, President's List.
Kelsey Grill, Dean's List.
Ashley Lott, President's List.
Tristan McGowen, Dean's List.
Jacob Nerren, Dean's List.
Jessica Venegoni, Dean's List.
Kyle Backofen, President's List.
Taylor Barclay, President's List.
Natalie Chandler, President's List.
Lindsey Christiana, President's List.
Cloud Cunanan, President's List.
Heaven Leigh Cunanan, President's List.
David DeGraw, Dean's List.
John Dunford, President's List.
Caroline Edge, Dean's List.
Myra Edwards, Dean's List.
John Forsythe III, President's List.
ShayLynn Hanes, Dean's List.
Ciara Head, President's List.
Kaytlin Hunter, Dean's List.
Cassidy Jurkovich, President's List.
Rebekah Kellogg, Dean's List.
Victoria Kerry, President's List.
Lisa Lemoine, President's List.
Claire Lockhart, President's List.
Malik Martin, President's List.
Kevin Meadows, Dean's List.
Raquel Metcalf, Dean's List.
Maya Moore, Dean's List.
Trang Nguyen, President's List.
Natasha Ogunnupe, Dean's List.
Haley Poole, Dean's List.
Aaliyah Pullem, Dean's List.
Andrew Ringle, Dean's List.
Molly Rowell, Dean's List.
Matthew Scotten, Dean's List.
Triston Siskron, President's List.
Joseph Walker, Dean's List.
Akikka Williams, Dean's List.
Zijian Zhou, Dean's List.
Peyton Alderman, Dean's List.
Andrew Beene, Dean's List.
Zachary Beene, President's List.
Hannah Bellotte, Dean's List.
Natalie Craft, President's List.
Chelsea Craig, President's List.
Caleb Dang, Dean's List.
Lauren Frazier, Dean's List.
Cameron Gay, Dean's List.
Jessica Hawkins, Dean's List.
Cassidy Horton, President's List.
Leah Huber, Dean's List.
Amanda Johnston, President's List.
Steele Pastor, President's List.
James Rachel, Dean's List.
Randall Roberson, President's List.
Whtiney Roden, President's List.
Kimberly Sargent, Dean's List.
Carlie Sivils, President's List.
Chasten Strahan, Dean's List.
Millie Baldwin, President's List.
Lydia Mills, President's List.
Sailor Dowden, President's List.
Allison Alexander, Dean's List.
Heather Colvin, Dean's List.
Ivan Alvarez, Dean's List.
Tremekia Ashley, President's List.
Virginia Auer, President's List.
Kathryn Bailey, Dean's List.
Sarah Bowman, President's List.
Akeyah Boyd, Dean's List.
Blake Buckman, Dean's List.
Abby Byford, Dean's List.
Katelyn Canfield, Dean's List.
Kevin Chiang, Dean's List.
James Chitman, President's List.
Madison Crusan, President's List.
Cameron Davis, Dean's List.
Cortez Davis, President's List.
Shelby Davis, President's List.
Kaley Easter, Dean's List.
Justin Friestad, Dean's List.
Harper Golsby, President's List.
Gage Gonzalez, President's List.
Kylee Hall, President's List.
Amber Hardy, Dean's List.
Jordan Hatten, Dean's List.
Joshua Hester, Dean's List.
Jakalah Howard, Dean's List.
Hannah Huckabee, President's List.
Taylor Jackson, President's List.
Kaitlyn Keller, Dean's List.
Min Kim, President's List.
Benjamin Kirkikis, Dean's List.
Landon Knecht, President's List.
Emily Lambert, Dean's List.
Bailey Lambeth, President's List.
Jaden Lee, Dean's List.
Jessica Lloyd, Dean's List.
Ri'Charica Mack, Dean's List.
Tia Mahoney, Dean's List.
Takira Mayshack, Dean's List.
Cara McDonald, President's List.
Sarah McDonald, Dean's List.
Roger Murray, President's List.
Angela Nguyen, Dean's List.
Caleb Peterson, Dean's List.
Julianna Provenza, President's List.
Madison Pyles, President's List.
Kyi Reid, Dean's List.
Taylor Richey, President's List.
Connor Roan, Dean's List.
Kelsey Sherman, Dean's List.
Laquaneisha Smith, Dean's List.
Karlesha Stinson, Dean's List.
Christian Stroughter, Dean's List.
Gabrielle Sundquist, Dean's List.
Misty Swan-Bendaw, Dean's List.
Kimberly Tran, President's List.
Abigail Turnbow, President's List.
Kristyn Turner, President's List.
Mollie VanNatta, President's List.
Cecelia Vergo, Dean's List.
Breena Washington, Dean's List.
Rebecca Watkins, Dean's List.
Hayden Williams, President's List.
Lauren Willson, Dean's List.
Alton Clay jr, Dean's List.
Madison Collins, President's List.
Dakota Harrell, Dean's List.
Rebecca Pittman, Dean's List.
Haleigh Lorenz, President's List.
Maiah Hardin, Dean's List.
Bayleigh Allison, President's List.
Olivia Bailey, President's List.
Holly Beville, Dean's List.
Julia Boullt, President's List.
Emily Cormier, President's List.
DJante Curry, President's List.
Ashley Durel, Dean's List.
Courtland Granger, President's List.
Noah Guillory, President's List.
Hope Hebert, Dean's List.
Brittany Hull, President's List.
Tamara Johnson, Dean's List.
Mary Klumpp, Dean's List.
Kara Kramer, Dean's List.
Lindsay Kravchuk, President's List.
Bryce Laningham, Dean's List.
Hannah Martin, Dean's List.
Maria Merriman, Dean's List.
Chelsie Morein, President's List.
Anita Rahman, Dean's List.
Jenna Schlotfeldt, President's List.
Myles Simien, Dean's List.
Anna Solari, Dean's List.
Kaitlyn Solice, President's List.
Olivia Stevens, Dean's List.
Bailey Thibodeaux, President's List.
Victoria Thomas, Dean's List.
Austin Verrett, President's List.
Countess Authement, President's List.
Tabitha Birdwell, President's List.
Angela Chaisson, President's List.
Charles Dronet, Dean's List.
Amber Gill, Dean's List.
Gavin Huval, Dean's List.
Darby Richard, Dean's List.
Sadie Sells, Dean's List.
Kayla Sherer, President's List.
Aaron Herrera, President's List.
Ian Lee, President's List.
Krista Drummond, Dean's List.
Madeline Guerrero, Dean's List.
Jessica Hall, Dean's List.
Presley Hendrix, Dean's List.
Hannah McKee, Dean's List.
Joelee Roshto, Dean's List.
Edward Waggoner, Dean's List.
Bailee Warner, President's List.
Kirsten Carson, Dean's List.
Kelsey Cassels, President's List.
Lauren Cook, Dean's List.
Brooklyn Hatten, Dean's List.
David Howard, President's List.
Christin Mims, President's List.
Melissa Moreland, President's List.
Alexis Sanford, President's List.
Rachel Sanford, President's List.
Jennifer Whitten, President's List.
Kaylen Bass, President's List.
Daliah Wooten, Dean's List.
Taylor McGuffee, Dean's List.
Emily Huff, Dean's List.
Natalee Duncan, President's List.
Bona Field, President's List.
Elizabeth Mcdonald, Dean's List.
Alexis Pardue, President's List.
Joseph Sanson, President's List.
Makayla Weeks, President's List.
Victoria Fletcher, Dean's List.
Bryan Jordan, Dean's List.
Shawn Perry, Dean's List.
Tiffany Weeks, Dean's List.
Tynesha Cato, Dean's List.
Jenna Caskey, Dean's List.
Devin Ford, Dean's List.
Uniqua Stevenson, Dean's List.
Josiah Wagg, Dean's List.
Caitlin Ballard, Dean's List.
Jonique Chest, Dean's List.
Lacy Lynch, Dean's List.
Allison Jackson, President's List.
Jessica Jackson, Dean's List.
Brady Raley, Dean's List.
Finola Reed, Dean's List.
Tracee Albert, Dean's List.
Ashley Hall, Dean's List.
Marshall Henson, Dean's List.
James Hollowell, Dean's List.
Ashtin Houghton, Dean's List.
Cassie Johnson, Dean's List.
Taylor Rodgers, Dean's List.
Gabriel Williams, Dean's List.
Thomas Willis, Dean's List.
Taylor Yates, Dean's List.
Brandon Craig, President's List.
Shemar Hearld, President's List.
Faith Williams, Dean's List.
Kimiyon Gray, Dean's List.
John Barnette, President's List.
Dani Watson, Dean's List.
Sheri Beysselance, Dean's List.
Laura Gainey, Dean's List.
Hannah Milton, Dean's List.
Raegan Abadie, President's List.
Elizabeth Ball, President's List.
Kaylin Beach, Dean's List.
Austin Beck, Dean's List.
Jamie Calvin Jr, Dean's List.
Sarah Coleman, President's List.
Anna Copeland, Dean's List.
Olivia Dumestre, President's List.
John Helffrich IV, President's List.
Ashlyn Henderson, Dean's List.
Jada Hitchens, President's List.
Cindy Ho, Dean's List.
Beck Hogewood, Dean's List.
Jennifer Jarreau, President's List.
Amanda Liberty, Dean's List.
Cole McKnight, President's List.
Azrien-Shai Morgan, Dean's List.
Katherine Oubre, Dean's List.
Nicholas Perrien, President's List.
Jasper Queen Jr, Dean's List.
Ashley Salario, President's List.
James Selleck, Dean's List.
John Shamma, Dean's List.
Nicole St Aime, Dean's List.
Lindsey Trisler, Dean's List.
Nousheen Wahab, Dean's List.
Tracy Williams, President's List.
Jasmine Yoon, President's List.
Haylee Mayo, President's List.
Hadley Devall, Dean's List.
Ryan Broussard, President's List.
Caroline Manemann, President's List.
Mary Chaney, President's List.
Kristen Lively, President's List.
Morgan Mercante, Dean's List.
Christy Chapman, Dean's List.
Tiquaisha Virgil, Dean's List.
Anne Marie Walters, Dean's List.
Jacob Downing, Dean's List.
Lauren Bihm, President's List.
Braelon Bigner, Dean's List.
Jeremy Bustarde, President's List.
Andrew Fontenot, President's List.
Joshua Fontenot, Dean's List.
Amy Fuselier, Dean's List.
Terri Honore, Dean's List.
Payton Whittington, President's List.
Cheyenne Smith, President's List.
Tralon Thomas, Dean's List.
Nadia Williams, Dean's List.
Taylor Gill, Dean's List.
Darian Johnson, Dean's List.
Matthew Troha, Dean's List.
Rachel Ratcliff, Dean's List.
Whitney Boone, Dean's List.
Sophia Wilks, President's List.
Jessica Armstrong, Dean's List.
Shelby Armstrong, President's List.
Dustin Blackson, President's List.
Kyva Coleman, Dean's List.
Cecily Davis, President's List.
Bethanie Glasspoole, Dean's List.
Katelyn Ingram, Dean's List.
Jonathan Jenkins, Dean's List.
Kelsey Kelly, Dean's List.
Leslie McMurray, President's List.
Jacy Oliver, Dean's List.
Jessica Roberts, President's List.
Kasen Rollins, Dean's List.
Hailey Smith, Dean's List.
Caitlin Struth Miss, Dean's List.
Kassie Swain, Dean's List.
Kelsea Toney, Dean's List.
Tyler Wells, Dean's List.
Rachel Young, Dean's List.
Chantz Foy, Dean's List.
Carley Kiper, Dean's List.
Brittany Whittington, President's List.
David Kerry, Dean's List.
Caleb Doyle, Dean's List.
Dalton Johnson, President's List.
Sydney Leger, Dean's List.
Cassondra Nevill, President's List.
Marissa Slaughter, President's List.
Emily Vincent, Dean's List.
Hannah King, President's List.
Caitlin Nugent, President's List.
Caitlyn Abrams, Dean's List.
Mallory Crawford, Dean's List.
Presley McClung, Dean's List.
Jennifer Peckmore, President's List.
Jessica Peckmore, President's List.
Natasha Picard, Dean's List.
Casey Breaux, President's List.
Kaitlin Comeaux, Dean's List.
Skylar DeRouen, Dean's List.
Helaina Desentz, President's List.
Zoe Dore, Dean's List.
Ashlyn Gautreau, Dean's List.
Christian Kiddy, President's List.
Hailey Landry, Dean's List.
Jolyn Louviere, President's List.
Brittany Patout, President's List.
Haley Poole, Dean's List.
Shelbi Romero, Dean's List.
Taylon Bell, Dean's List.
Megan Berthelot, President's List.
Haley Landry, Dean's List.
Mary Roth, Dean's List.
Chelsea Barnette, Dean's List.
Rachel Magee, Dean's List.
Samantha Malone, President's List.
Chelsie Wages, Dean's List.
John Bigelow, President's List.
Abby Copeland, President's List.
Tabitha Evans, Dean's List.
Trey Jones, Dean's List.
Jennifer Lofton, Dean's List.
Justyn Slawson, Dean's List.
Alysson Thomas, Dean's List.
Jazmine Williams, President's List.
Lyndsey Hayes Martin, Dean's List.
Shayla Heard, Dean's List.
Sarah Jackson, President's List.
Kayla Leathem, President's List.
Melanie Bordelon, President's List.
Lindsay Feliu, Dean's List.
Lauren Nguyen, Dean's List.
Macey LeBlanc, Dean's List.
Rebecca Ortega, President's List.
Taj Smith, Dean's List.
Brianna Duronslet, Dean's List.
Skylar Grass, Dean's List.
Joseph Casso, President's List.
Melissa Castille, Dean's List.
Garrett Gallardo, Dean's List.
Taylor Meyer, Dean's List.
Chloe Sealy, Dean's List.
Kayleigh Sticker, Dean's List.
Taylor Beauchamp, Dean's List.
Alexis Parham, Dean's List.
Ciara Dougan, President's List.
Taylor Cormier, President's List.
Hannah Daniel, Dean's List.
Abbey Bethard, President's List.
Kailey Bignar, President's List.
Somer Cooper, Dean's List.
William Estabrook, Dean's List.
Madelyn Estis, President's List.
Jenna Franklin, Dean's List.
Johnathan Green, Dean's List.
Kyndel Keene, President's List.
Kristen Morace, Dean's List.
Aidan Warren, Dean's List.
Katie Williams, Dean's List.
Jewelly Barbo, Dean's List.
Alicia Cubbit, Dean's List.
Savannah Floyd, Dean's List.
Stacey Franklin, Dean's List.
Megan Laird, Dean's List.
Sydney McBroom, President's List.
Carli Prudhomme, Dean's List.
Brayden Zeagler, Dean's List.
Andrew Fisher, Dean's List.
Destinee Mannon, Dean's List.
Paige Mulvihill, President's List.
Kassie Windham, President's List.
Madeline Belcher, President's List.
Molli Gremillion, President's List.
Anoulack Nachampasack, President's List.
Peyton Rivera, Dean's List.
Lina Sihamath, Dean's List.
Ashley Guilbeau, President's List.
Lanie Melancon, Dean's List.
Paris Moore, Dean's List.
Sarah Thompson, President's List.
Joshua West, President's List.
Amanda Blanco, President's List.
Emily Bourgeois, Dean's List.
Huyen Cao, President's List.
Andrew Clay, President's List.
Shayla Despanie, President's List.
Kelsey Douangmavongsa, President's List.
Cole Doucet, President's List.
Allison Edney, Dean's List.
Matthew Gardner, President's List.
Payton Jackson, President's List.
Alexander Kellar, Dean's List.
Zoe Knijn, President's List.
Cheryl Landry, President's List.
Travis Lapoint, President's List.
Isabel Lewis, Dean's List.
Lauren Marker, Dean's List.
Kelly McDowell, Dean's List.
Kimberly Nguyen, Dean's List.
Kristen Seaux, Dean's List.
Brittany Shepherd, President's List.
Tommy Tran, President's List.
Ashton Vega, Dean's List.
Ziying Zhao, Dean's List.
Kami Chargois, President's List.
Kayla Trahan, Dean's List.
Destiny Bouvier, Dean's List.
Heather Orgeron, President's List.
Alyssa Pellegrin, Dean's List.
James Barker, Dean's List.
Austin Barrios, Dean's List.
Taylor Foret, President's List.
Dustin Becnel, President's List.
Samantha Bowers, President's List.
Bethany Danos, President's List.
Autumn Foret, Dean's List.
Alex Gervais, President's List.
Cameron Gregory, President's List.
Malorie Kraemer, Dean's List.
Milre Matherne, President's List.
Clare Olin, President's List.
Rhae Sevin, Dean's List.
Ashley Toups, President's List.
Kathryn Bryan, Dean's List.
Clinton Coleman, President's List.
Taylor Futrell, Dean's List.
Jennifer Granger, Dean's List.
Jacob Northcutt, President's List.
Barbara Davidson, President's List.
Meyuanna Payne, Dean's List.
Amber Soignier, Dean's List.
Ashley Weeks, President's List.
MacKenzie Harris, President's List.
Ciera Mardis, President's List.
Garrett Myers, Dean's List.
Tyler Ray, Dean's List.
William Riley, President's List.
Faith Robinson, Dean's List.
Accie Sullivan III, Dean's List.
April Thompson, Dean's List.
Brenda Olguin, Dean's List.
Ursanie Clayton, President's List.
Makenna Amond, Dean's List.
Saydee Barr, Dean's List.
Genesis Lambert, Dean's List.
Kelly Linderman, Dean's List.
Erin Reed, Dean's List.
Baylee Waldrop, Dean's List.
Jonathan Gordon, President's List.
Laine Rogers, President's List.
Taylor Aydell, Dean's List.
Kristen Baudoin, President's List.
Kylie Daigle, President's List.
Abigail Edwards, Dean's List.
Bryan Ashley, Dean's List.
Cory Bowman, Dean's List.
Alana Florice, Dean's List.
Anna Ginn, Dean's List.
Ashlyn Gustafson, President's List.
Rebecca Jones, Dean's List.
Sharvette Miles, Dean's List.
Kelly Norris, Dean's List.
Anna Sevier, Dean's List.
Agape Skinner, Dean's List.
Alexis Smith, President's List.
Zakkirra Smith, President's List.
Stephen Sykes, Dean's List.
Jeffery Wilson, Dean's List.
Tasia Armstrong, Dean's List.
Taylor Book, Dean's List.
Savannah Boyte, Dean's List.
Robert Brown, President's List.
Michael Bryan, President's List.
Kylie Carmack, Dean's List.
Jerri Carroll, Dean's List.
Katherine Cobb, Dean's List.
Heather Crain Miss, President's List.
Kirstie Croswell, Dean's List.
Anna Daniels, President's List.
Alexzai Evans, Dean's List.
Kelsey Faulkenbury, Dean's List.
Victoria George, Dean's List.
Morgan Ghaedi, Dean's List.
Preston Goodson, President's List.
Morgan Grayson, Dean's List.
Ty Gregory, Dean's List.
Aaron Hester, Dean's List.
Megan Huntsman, Dean's List.
Stephanie Lasuzzo, President's List.
Brittany Little, Dean's List.
Canaan Malone, Dean's List.
Special Mcgill, President's List.
Dominique Minnieweather, Dean's List.
Farrah Ozark, Dean's List.
Makayla Rayford, President's List.
Brooklynn Rea, Dean's List.
Angel Reynolds, Dean's List.
Miranda Riles, Dean's List.
Maria Roberts, President's List.
Leigh Rodgers, Dean's List.
Candice Rousso, Dean's List.
Victoria Simmons, Dean's List.
Khakajha Sneed, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Stephens, Dean's List.
Sarah Stephens, Dean's List.
Fernita Sutton, Dean's List.
Amy Trichell, President's List.
Carliya Trotter, President's List.
Cameryn Wooden, President's List.
Karl Merwynn Yabut, Dean's List.
Kevin Mikelle Yabut, President's List.
Tyisha Scott, Dean's List.
Timothy Givens, Dean's List.
Kara Hodge, Dean's List.
Amanda Moore, Dean's List.
Brennan Shelton, Dean's List.
Callie Teekell, President's List.
Ashley Lenoir, President's List.
George Spires, Dean's List.
Riley Bridges, Dean's List.
Cody Skains, Dean's List.
Courtney Kitchens, Dean's List.
Jameshia Below, Dean's List.
Danielle Coutee, President's List.
Abigail Gardner, President's List.
Ellen Ingram, President's List.
Gabrielle Ingram, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Long, President's List.
David Spillman, Dean's List.
Hunter Vienne, President's List.
Kathryn Wiggins, President's List.
Victoria Dowden, Dean's List.
Mone't Dixon, Dean's List.
Michaela Giraud, Dean's List.
David Hagensee, President's List.
Kalista Kennedy, Dean's List.
Payton Kreger, Dean's List.
Roneshia Robichaux, President's List.
Victoria Tran, Dean's List.
Mykel Wilson, Dean's List.
Brooke Anderson, Dean's List.
Ryan Camp, President's List.
Delton Dickson, Dean's List.
Kimberly Franklin, President's List.
Julie Jordan, President's List.
Shelby Joyner, President's List.
Zebediah Parker, Dean's List.
Holland Ponthieux, Dean's List.
Nicholas Privitor, Dean's List.
Katherine Roberts, Dean's List.
Autumn Rushing, Dean's List.
Reggie Skains III, President's List.
Brent Stovall, Dean's List.
Sierra Tarver, Dean's List.
Joseph Tassin, Dean's List.
Stephanie Thomas, Dean's List.
Noah White, Dean's List.
Breanna Ross, President's List.
Makeiah Adams, Dean's List.
Morgan Aitken, Dean's List.
Benjamin Allbritton, Dean's List.
Lindsey Allen, President's List.
Joshua Amos, President's List.
Christian Amy, Dean's List.
Victor Anderson, Dean's List.
Madelyn Arender, Dean's List.
Kaitlyn Arnold, Dean's List.
Katrina Ashton, Dean's List.
Anna Atkinson, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Austin, President's List.
Anthony Autrey, Dean's List.
Elee Barber, President's List.
Haley Barnes, President's List.
Evian Benjamin, Dean's List.
Adam Blackburn, President's List.
Mary Bloomer, President's List.
Will Bonham, Dean's List.
Jaclyn Boone, Dean's List.
Alizabeth Boudloche, President's List.
Emma Boudreaux, Dean's List.
Jacob Boykin, Dean's List.
Emma Braddock, President's List.
Jamarkum Bradford, Dean's List.
Hud Braud, President's List.
Andrea Brown, Dean's List.
Chirita Brown, Dean's List.
Keonkka Brown, Dean's List.
Shelia Brown, Dean's List.
David Brumley, President's List.
Emiley Bryant, Dean's List.
Angela Bui, President's List.
Kimyen Bui, Dean's List.
Thanh Bui, Dean's List.
Victoria Burleigh, Dean's List.
Allison Burney, President's List.
Sherneeka Burrell, Dean's List.
Sydney Butram, President's List.
Anna Cain, Dean's List.
Bayley Carlson, President's List.
Christian Carnes, President's List.
Rebecca Carnes, Dean's List.
Sara Carr, Dean's List.
Shelby Carter, Dean's List.
Karen Cascio, Dean's List.
Cody Cash, President's List.
Karen Che, Dean's List.
Gabrielle Christopher, President's List.
Kendra Clark, President's List.
Loreal Cloman, Dean's List.
Louis Coco, Dean's List.
Stephanie Cogburn, President's List.
Riley Cooper, Dean's List.
Kylie Coughran, Dean's List.
Nicole Craig, Dean's List.
Catherine Darnell, President's List.
Kelsey Dearman, President's List.
Jessica Dickens, Dean's List.
Amanda Ditta, President's List.
Emily Dixon, President's List.
Allie Dopson, Dean's List.
Lainey Douthit, President's List.
Sabrina Drake, Dean's List.
Destiny Dubose, President's List.
Brian Duplechain, President's List.
Keisha Echevarria, Dean's List.
Anna Eichhorn, President's List.
Chijindu Eke, Dean's List.
Omar Elgourani, President's List.
Sharif Elgourani, President's List.
Madison Ellerman, Dean's List.
Patrick Ellerman, President's List.
Keith Elliott, Dean's List.
Lauchlyn Emfinger, President's List.
Tyler Ezell, President's List.
Jacob Faulkingham, President's List.
Andrew Fenske, Dean's List.
Thomas Fields IV, President's List.
Amanda Finley, President's List.
Lauren Ford, President's List.
Shondranika Ford, Dean's List.
Kristopher Free, President's List.
Madison Frith, Dean's List.
James Gaiennie III, President's List.
Tiffani Gaines, President's List.
Jesus Garcia III, Dean's List.
Jennie Garland, President's List.
Allie Garner, President's List.
Bryon Garrety, Dean's List.
Daniel Gonzalez, President's List.
Quintin Good, Dean's List.
Carolyn Goodin, Dean's List.
Darren Gordon, Dean's List.
Taylor Goree, Dean's List.
Janice Goree-Butler, Dean's List.
Ashley Gorman, Dean's List.
Caleb Green, President's List.
Marcus Green II, President's List.
Corey Guidry, President's List.
Tyler Gunn, President's List.
Gray Hall, President's List.
Alexis Hamilton, President's List.
Elizabeth Hancock, Dean's List.
William Handy, Dean's List.
Bridget Hannam, President's List.
Summer Harper, President's List.
Brendan Harris, Dean's List.
Inique Harris, Dean's List.
Ronnie Harrison Jr., Dean's List.
Emily Healy, President's List.
Evan Hebert, Dean's List.
Bonnie Hemphill, Dean's List.
Owen Herrock, President's List.
Xavier Hill, Dean's List.
Mary Hillman, President's List.
Summer Ho, Dean's List.
Alexis Hogg, Dean's List.
Holly Holladay, President's List.
Michele Holman, President's List.
Hannah Hopkins, Dean's List.
Ferlando Hossa, Dean's List.
Dixon Houston, President's List.
Cade Hunter, Dean's List.
Rhonda Hutson, Dean's List.
Matthew Hymel, Dean's List.
Gabrielle Jackson, Dean's List.
Arnita Johnson, Dean's List.
Jorden Johnson, President's List.
Richard Johnson, Dean's List.
Thomas Johnson, President's List.
Brianna Jordan, President's List.
Kaylan Jowers, Dean's List.
Kayla Kelly, President's List.
Freddriko Kendrix, Dean's List.
Courtney Kidd, President's List.
Justin Kidd, President's List.
Morgan Kimball, Dean's List.
Benson Kinney, Dean's List.
Madalyn Kirkwood, Dean's List.
Amber Knight, Dean's List.
Mary Kosik, Dean's List.
Javan Landry, Dean's List.
Craig Lavespere, Dean's List.
Chelcie LeMaire, Dean's List.
Amy Lentz, Dean's List.
Megan Long, Dean's List.
Michael Long, President's List.
Chase Louviere, President's List.
Wileshia Lumpkins, Dean's List.
Adrienne Lyles, Dean's List.
Ibtisam Mahrous, President's List.
Kristian Marshall, Dean's List.
Lee Marshall, Dean's List.
Hannah Matherne, Dean's List.
Kimberly Mayberry, President's List.
Meagan McCaa, President's List.
Kasey McDonald, Dean's List.
Emily McGee, President's List.
Abigail McHugh, Dean's List.
Mary McVay, Dean's List.
Kolleen McWilliams, Dean's List.
Breck Mccullen, Dean's List.
Millicent Mcfarland, Dean's List.
Gavin Mitcham, Dean's List.
Edward Modicue, Dean's List.
Caroline Moeller, Dean's List.
Tiyanca Moore, Dean's List.
Justin Moreau, Dean's List.
Sherran Morehead, Dean's List.
Marissa Murphy, President's List.
Jessica Neal, President's List.
Elizabeth Neuberger, Dean's List.
Allison Newton, Dean's List.
Giang Nguyen, President's List.
Vivian Nguyen, Dean's List.
Vu Nguyen, Dean's List.
Rino Nicholas, President's List.
Jonathan Nickelson, Dean's List.
Amanda Norris, President's List.
Erick Ogg, Dean's List.
Chantelle Okoyeze, President's List.
Karyn Okoyeze, Dean's List.
Madeline Ordone, Dean's List.
Skylar Orozco, President's List.
Kelsey Osbon, President's List.
Taylor Paul, Dean's List.
Lauren Palowsky, Dean's List.
Nirali Patel, Dean's List.
Rachel Pecora, Dean's List.
Coty Penter, Dean's List.
Ashley Perian, Dean's List.
Kevin Perrodin Jr, Dean's List.
Truc Pham, Dean's List.
Sarah Phillips, Dean's List.
Katie Pizzolato, Dean's List.
Lina Pleng, Dean's List.
Zane Poole, Dean's List.
B'Jerrious Powell, Dean's List.
Kayli Raeisghasem, Dean's List.
Nancy Ragona, Dean's List.
Linda Ratliff, President's List.
Cheyenne Reyes, President's List.
Ashley Riordan, President's List.
Kristen Robinson, President's List.
Megan Roshto, Dean's List.
Claire Rutledge, Dean's List.
Shannetta Salsberry, Dean's List.
Stewart Scott, Dean's List.
Stormee Sebren, President's List.
Christopher Selby, President's List.
Todd Shoulder Jr., Dean's List.
Alban Sims, Dean's List.
Madelynn Skipper, President's List.
Jayson Smeby, President's List.
Brooke Smith, Dean's List.
Dalton Smith, Dean's List.
Hannah Smith, Dean's List.
Jesse Smith, President's List.
Kelsey Smith, President's List.
Dan Snell Jr, Dean's List.
Ji Sonnier, President's List.
Tori Spindler, Dean's List.
Ellie Starnes, President's List.
Kaitlyn Stepp, Dean's List.
John Stokes, Dean's List.
Christian Strickland, Dean's List.
Makell Sumler, Dean's List.
Hadley Swartz, President's List.
Alexander Tao, Dean's List.
Freda Taylor, Dean's List.
Johnise Thomas, Dean's List.
Ashlyn Thompson, President's List.
Shelby Tibbit, President's List.
Thanh-Nhan Tran, Dean's List.
Bianca Trejo, President's List.
Adarian Turner, Dean's List.
Odenesha Tyson, Dean's List.
Katelyn Vaughan, Dean's List.
Kimberly Vaughan, President's List.
Kassidy Voinche, President's List.
Amber Vorisek, President's List.
Emma Wactor, Dean's List.
Reeves Walker, Dean's List.
Rebecca Walters, Dean's List.
Darius Washington, President's List.
Le'Marquez Washington, President's List.
Maegan Washington, President's List.
Emma Weems, Dean's List.
Taylor Westcott, Dean's List.
Gregory White, Dean's List.
Moesha Wiley, President's List.
Brady Wilhite, President's List.
Dewayne Williams Jr, Dean's List.
Sandra Wilson, Dean's List.
Matthew Wingard, President's List.
William Wohlers, Dean's List.
Sarah Word, Dean's List.
Chartasha Wright, Dean's List.
Breann Bowen, President's List.
Allyson Clark, Dean's List.
Lauren Cramer, President's List.
Quoc-Nghia Duong, Dean's List.
Alyssa Easom, Dean's List.
Sierra Foley, President's List.
Daniel Halley, President's List.
Tricia Madden, Dean's List.
Ashley Maxwell, Dean's List.
Talyn Myers, President's List.
Justin Netherland, President's List.
John Ormond, Dean's List.
Chanley Pardon, Dean's List.
Natasha Russell, President's List.
Carissa Sawyer, Dean's List.
Kaitlin Simpson, President's List.
Reba Tumlison, Dean's List.
Luke Vaughn, President's List.
Lindsay Washington, President's List.
Kacie Watson, President's List.
MeredithSage Wiles, President's List.
Allison Willard, Dean's List.
Zackery Wimbish, President's List.
Kristin Watson, President's List.
Dianah Amos, Dean's List.
Abigail Antis, President's List.
Jade Arrant, Dean's List.
Ty Baldwin, Dean's List.
Allie Ballance, Dean's List.
Kevin Berry, President's List.
Julia Blankenship, Dean's List.
Brandie Book, Dean's List.
Jansen Boyd, President's List.
Jacob Brady, Dean's List.
Carlee Branch, President's List.
Kelsey Brasher, Dean's List.
Cody Bridges, Dean's List.
Joseph Brittain, President's List.
Dixie Broadway, Dean's List.
Anna Brown, President's List.
Caley Bryan, Dean's List.
Karlee Buckridge, President's List.
Kelsi Burdeshaw, President's List.
Catherine Calhoun, Dean's List.
Cheryl Cambre, Dean's List.
Jesse Campbell, Dean's List.
Ashleigh Caples, Dean's List.
Joshua Chisholm, Dean's List.
Brittany Clampit, Dean's List.
Jacob Collins, President's List.
Christi Conti, Dean's List.
Tristan Conville, Dean's List.
Taylor Costa, Dean's List.
Cameron Crump, Dean's List.
Kellen Culpepper, Dean's List.
Jordan Cummings, Dean's List.
Desirae Dadgar, Dean's List.
Dorae Dadgar, President's List.
Callie Davis, President's List.
Creede Dawkins, Dean's List.
Christopher Dean, Dean's List.
Jamye Dean, Dean's List.
Alana Dollar, President's List.
Avery Domangue, Dean's List.
Hannah Donaldson, Dean's List.
Joseph Dorman II, President's List.
Kaleb Drake, Dean's List.
Ashlyn Dupree, President's List.
Kayla Edwards, Dean's List.
Brittany Ellerbe, Dean's List.
Myresha Ellis, Dean's List.
Jodie Faulk, Dean's List.
Haley Fisher, President's List.
Kaitlin Fleming, Dean's List.
Kati Ford, Dean's List.
Dayna Freeman, Dean's List.
Bridget Garner, President's List.
Brooke Garner, President's List.
Victoria Gentry, Dean's List.
Madison Gibson, Dean's List.
Donna Glennon, President's List.
Carmen Gonzalez, President's List.
Savanna Gonzalez, Dean's List.
Megan Grant, Dean's List.
Abby Green, Dean's List.
John Green, Dean's List.
Sunny Green, President's List.
Tristan Greenlee, Dean's List.
Maegan Griggs, Dean's List.
Caitlin Hall, President's List.
Lindsay Hall, President's List.
Jonathan Hamilton, Dean's List.
Clayton Harris, Dean's List.
Alexandra Hatcher, Dean's List.
Katrina Hatter, Dean's List.
Roberto Hazera, Dean's List.
Spencer Hemphill, Dean's List.
Eric Hendrix, President's List.
Bethany Henson, President's List.
Eduardo Hernandez, Dean's List.
Rolando Hernandez Vite, President's List.
Kacey Hibbets, Dean's List.
Sean Hicks, Dean's List.
Savannah Hill, Dean's List.
Taylor Hines, President's List.
Erica Hogan, Dean's List.
Gina Hogan, Dean's List.
Bailey Holloway, Dean's List.
Randall Hopkins, Dean's List.
Tiffany Howington, Dean's List.
David Jett, Dean's List.
Kelsey Johns, Dean's List.
Madeline Johns, Dean's List.
Dava Johnson, Dean's List.
Kaylea Jones, President's List.
Rebecca Jones, President's List.
Ryan Jones, Dean's List.
Bethany Jordan, Dean's List.
Cody Jordan, Dean's List.
Baylee Joyner, Dean's List.
Kristen Kannard, President's List.
Elizabeth Kennen, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Kimble, President's List.
Robert Lay, Dean's List.
Alexandra Lee, Dean's List.
Kelsie Lenard, Dean's List.
Danyelle Long, Dean's List.
Kwogie Ly, President's List.
Mallory Lynn, Dean's List.
Wess Magee, Dean's List.
Mary Marsala, Dean's List.
Audrey Mattingly, Dean's List.
Joseph McClung, Dean's List.
Jorden McCoy Mrs., Dean's List.
Mary McDonald, President's List.
Taylor McKee, Dean's List.
Chelsea McLain, Dean's List.
Valerie Meche, Dean's List.
Caleb Miller, President's List.
Tryston Miller, President's List.
Leah Moonesan, President's List.
Samantha Moreno, President's List.
Seth Murray, Dean's List.
Logan Murry, Dean's List.
Olivia Myers, President's List.
Jacob Nadler, Dean's List.
Savanna Nalley, President's List.
Jarryd Nemeth-Gutierrez, Dean's List.
Lac Nguyen, President's List.
Mason Nichols, Dean's List.
Savannah Nicholson, President's List.
Victoria Nugent, Dean's List.
Cameron Ott, President's List.
Harrison Park, President's List.
Savannah Parker, President's List.
Kolby Patrick, Dean's List.
Elysabeth Peoples, Dean's List.
Brittany Pierce, Dean's List.
Ethan Poland, Dean's List.
Chelsea Pommier, Dean's List.
Amber Putnam, Dean's List.
Jaylen Ramsey, Dean's List.
Alan Rawles, President's List.
Alexis Reno, Dean's List.
Brandon Russell, Dean's List.
Adam Saadat, President's List.
Shamir Sadberry, Dean's List.
Jose Sanchez, President's List.
Tyler Schweinefus, Dean's List.
Anna Seal, Dean's List.
Lacey Sepulvado, Dean's List.
Nathaniel Seward, President's List.
Sangya Sharma, President's List.
Nicholas Slaughter, Dean's List.
Adrianna Smalling, President's List.
Aimee Smith, Dean's List.
Andrea Smith, President's List.
Kenda Soileau, President's List.
Savana Spears, Dean's List.
Alyssa Stephany, President's List.
Joshua Tellifero, President's List.
Hannah Thompson, Dean's List.
Matthew Thornhill, President's List.
Falon Tidwell, President's List.
Nicholas Traweek, Dean's List.
Brandon Treno, President's List.
Lucy Tubb, Dean's List.
Gabriel Tumey, President's List.
Amber Turner, Dean's List.
Blakely Underwood, Dean's List.
Peyton Underwood, Dean's List.
Ericka Vallery, Dean's List.
Sarah Walker, Dean's List.
Sean Walker, Dean's List.
Heaven Wallace, President's List.
Kassidy Wallace, Dean's List.
Jesson Walters, Dean's List.
John Walters, President's List.
Courtney Warner, Dean's List.
Amari Washington, Dean's List.
Annelise Washington, Dean's List.
Amber Waterhouse, Dean's List.
Skyler Whitmore, Dean's List.
Garrett Williams, President's List.
John Williams, President's List.
Kaleb Williams, Dean's List.
Raegan Wilson, Dean's List.
Sidney Winters, Dean's List.
Nicholas Wood, Dean's List.
Aleka Woods, Dean's List.
Anna Woods, Dean's List.
Robert Worley, Dean's List.
Isabel Chauvin, Dean's List.
Annalise Labatut, President's List.
Desirae Strong, Dean's List.
Jenifer Chenevert, President's List.
Abby Chustz, Dean's List.
Camille Labatut, President's List.
Ellen Albritton, Dean's List.
Raven Alexander, Dean's List.
Bryana Baines, Dean's List.
Patsy Beard, Dean's List.
Chelsea Bock, Dean's List.
Lakeidra Broomfield, Dean's List.
Morgan Burks, Dean's List.
Aaron Butler, Dean's List.
Natalia Chambers, Dean's List.
Ellen Cook, Dean's List.
Da'Nielle Dykes, Dean's List.
Travis Eddlemon, President's List.
Briana Franklin, Dean's List.
Lauren Fuller, Dean's List.
Christy Gertz, Dean's List.
Tamara Gorham, Dean's List.
Ryan Grant, Dean's List.
Sydnee Hicks, Dean's List.
Ta'kedra Howard, Dean's List.
Trevonta Jones, Dean's List.
Dexteria King, Dean's List.
Kalyn LaCombe, Dean's List.
Do Le, President's List.
Kayla Little, President's List.
Trevon Mosley, Dean's List.
Emily Norman, Dean's List.
Reanna Sanders, Dean's List.
Jean Schrock, Dean's List.
Hailey Teal, Dean's List.
Jamariuana Thomas, Dean's List.
Felix Vanderlick, Dean's List.
Mary Walton, President's List.
Nicole Willett, Dean's List.
Tristen Coburn, Dean's List.
Jose Fernandez, Dean's List.
Laykin Hair, Dean's List.
Michael Feazell, Dean's List.
Ashley Jones, Dean's List.
Marzetta Scott, Dean's List.
Victoria Totman, Dean's List.
Joshua Tye, President's List.
Kelsie Welch, President's List.
Cheyenne Bailey, Dean's List.
Madison Bonnette, Dean's List.
Charli Hauk, President's List.
Kaylee Mabou, President's List.
Rebekah Ryder, Dean's List.
Darrell Smith, President's List.
Shannon Waldon, Dean's List.
Carl Willis, President's List.
Brianna Winfree, Dean's List.
Christopher Barton, Dean's List.
Katie Taylor, President's List.
Brandon Hebert, President's List.
Salena Sinnasone, President's List.
Cheyanne Crane, Dean's List.
Emma Baker, Dean's List.
Lara Riche, President's List.
Krista Young, President's List.
Bailey Antony, Dean's List.
Ryan Blomquist, Dean's List.
Jacob Campbell, Dean's List.
Hannah Corley, Dean's List.
Sarah Corley, President's List.
Caroline Courville, Dean's List.
Kyle Dacdac, President's List.
Kandyce David, Dean's List.
Matthew David, Dean's List.
April Edmisson, Dean's List.
David Evans, President's List.
Madelyn French, President's List.
Jonathan Hannon, Dean's List.
Carly-Marie Herrera, Dean's List.
Joshua Huff, President's List.
Amanda Hutzler, Dean's List.
Rebecca Jordan, Dean's List.
Hannah Lachney, Dean's List.
Ashlynn Lanford, President's List.
Elizabeth Lee, President's List.
Linda Lee, President's List.
Brianne Maxey, Dean's List.
Brooke Maxey, President's List.
Ashley Mizell, Dean's List.
Taylor Nelson, Dean's List.
Austin Nettles, President's List.
Sara Catherine Pearson, President's List.
William Pearson Jr., Dean's List.
Charles Riddick, Dean's List.
Kayla Roland, Dean's List.
Carsyn Smallwood, Dean's List.
Juewell Taylor, President's List.
Ashlee Terbot, Dean's List.
Brianna Vanderhoeven, President's List.
Brittany Wesley, President's List.
Monica Whitman, Dean's List.
Luke Wilson, President's List.
Sydnee Crowe, Dean's List.
Brandon Jackson, President's List.
Colby Craig, President's List.
Erin Hodge, Dean's List.
Megan Jones, Dean's List.
Carmen Latiolais, President's List.
Ansley Loftin, Dean's List.
Aaron Yelverton, Dean's List.
Tristan Bruce, Dean's List.
William Bullock, Dean's List.
Yulonda Clay, Dean's List.
Colby Dulaney, Dean's List.
Courtney Fallin, Dean's List.
Caroline Foote, President's List.
Talanja Gray, Dean's List.
Alison Green, Dean's List.
Joseph Hicks, Dean's List.
Taylor Houston, Dean's List.
Baylea Huffman, Dean's List.
Brittany Kirby, Dean's List.
Scarlett Lester, Dean's List.
Annabelle Maxwell, Dean's List.
Rufus McDowell, Dean's List.
Charles McPherson, Dean's List.
Reed Mcmurry, President's List.
Allison Nunnelee, President's List.
Griffin Nunnelee, Dean's List.
Cherie Tanner, Dean's List.
Spencer Trahan, Dean's List.
Taylor Whatley, President's List.
Kirsten Bell, Dean's List.
Karley Burgess, Dean's List.
Melissa Ceney, Dean's List.
Arrin Dye, Dean's List.
Durwin Francescon, Dean's List.
Kennedy Heisler, Dean's List.
Destiny Jones, President's List.
Miranda Smart, President's List.
Raven Adcox, Dean's List.
Morgan Anderson, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Antley, Dean's List.
Sydney Ball, Dean's List.
Eli Bell, Dean's List.
Carrissa Bendily, Dean's List.
Reagan Bennett, Dean's List.
Erin Branch, Dean's List.
Haleigh Branch, Dean's List.
Maryanna Branch, President's List.
Jordane Cannon, Dean's List.
Shelby Cook, Dean's List.
Ashtyn Davis, Dean's List.
Katrina Dickens, Dean's List.
Colin Driscoll, Dean's List.
January Franks, Dean's List.
Hannah Goodman, Dean's List.
Emmy Greer, Dean's List.
Caleb Hamm, Dean's List.
Erin Hamm, Dean's List.
Darian Holland, Dean's List.
Jesse Honeycutt, Dean's List.
Ashton Jackson, Dean's List.
Tarneesha James, President's List.
Destinee Keys, Dean's List.
Austin Mcmurry, Dean's List.
Emily Neathery, Dean's List.
Tristan Oswald, President's List.
Caitlyn Pierson, Dean's List.
Briar Prewitt, Dean's List.
Nicholas Romero, Dean's List.
Diona Sanchez, Dean's List.
Mindy Sistrunk, Dean's List.
Phillip Smith, Dean's List.
Hollie Stansbury, President's List.
Nathaniel Stansbury, President's List.
Mariana Tarver, Dean's List.
Kylee Thames, Dean's List.
Katelyn Trisler, Dean's List.
Bethany Wallis, President's List.
Noah Wroten, Dean's List.
Amber Young, Dean's List.
Chelsea Barber, Dean's List.
Megan Sistrunk, Dean's List.
DeMorigeal Turner, Dean's List.
Sara O'Neill, Dean's List.
Nicholas Green, Dean's List.
Caitlyn Mills, President's List.
Heather Guillot, President's List.
Matthew Petit, President's List.
Marylane Miletello, President's List.
Ashleigh Gaudet, Dean's List.
Cade Miguez, Dean's List.
Hannah Heyl, Dean's List.
Allison Wray, Dean's List.
Natalie Wray, Dean's List.
Sarah Cheathem, Dean's List.
Allison Plaisance, President's List.
Dustin Rousselle, President's List.
Lindsey Schexnayder, President's List.
Brennan Young, Dean's List.
Natalie Kern, President's List.
AnnD'Lyn Webb, Dean's List.
Sarah Spano, President's List.
Adelyne Labat, President's List.
Erin McManus, Dean's List.
Jaylan Pierce, Dean's List.
John Campbell Jr., President's List.
Brittney Champagne, President's List.
Michael Foret, President's List.
Mher Naljayan, Dean's List.
Kristine Clement, President's List.
Devin Melancon, President's List.
Kaitlyn Dupuis, President's List.
Isaac Douget, Dean's List.
Brooke Fontenot, President's List.
Paul Hebert Jr., President's List.
Victoria McGee, President's List.
Taylor Tujague, President's List.
John Mckeel Jr, Dean's List.
Katie Duos, Dean's List.
Kendrick Hunter, Dean's List.
Sierra Lanclos, President's List.
Kellie Meche, President's List.
Charley Roses, Dean's List.
Erin Thomas, President's List.
Torie Vidrine, President's List.
Madeline Briley, President's List.
Roxanne Simien, President's List.
Deonte' Stevens, Dean's List.
Morgan Vidrine, Dean's List.
Camille Lalanne, Dean's List.
Rachelle Thomas, President's List.
Rashawna Thomas, President's List.
Kameryn Bonhomme, Dean's List.
Myra Borel, President's List.
Jewel Guidry, President's List.
Jean Paul LeBlanc, Dean's List.
Marissa Hebert, Dean's List.
Kaylyn Martin, President's List.
Tristan Breaux, Dean's List.
Cole Candella, President's List.
Shylon Francis, Dean's List.
Brandi Albarado, Dean's List.
Bethany Autin, Dean's List.
Colby Glatter, President's List.
Joshua Glatter, President's List.
Kaitlyn Ledet, President's List.
Amanda Bridges, President's List.
Kialyn Allen, President's List.
Stephanie Barre', President's List.
Makayla Foster, Dean's List.
Peyton Lacoste, Dean's List.
Andy-kam Lam, Dean's List.
Victoria Liberto, Dean's List.
Philip Martin, Dean's List.
Grant Menard, President's List.
Aaron Nguyen, Dean's List.
Danielle Sabathe, Dean's List.
Ryan Skelly, President's List.
Lawrence Varnado Jr, President's List.
Theresa White, Dean's List.
Eden Buuck, President's List.
Taylor LeBlanc, President's List.
Randy Scheuermann, President's List.
Calette Corcoran, President's List.
Ashley Ducote, Dean's List.
Miranda Gelpi, Dean's List.
Jacquelyn Green, Dean's List.
Daniel Hollander Jr., Dean's List.
Amanda McDuffie, President's List.
Brooke Mehle, President's List.
Amanda Mooney, Dean's List.
Skye Minor, President's List.
Breann Bonner, President's List.
Katrina Chau, Dean's List.
Allison Comeaux, Dean's List.
Lauren Dieck, Dean's List.
Alicia Graham, Dean's List.
Jeffrey Hursey, President's List.
Victoria La, Dean's List.
Amoi Lyons, President's List.
Raymond Plaisance IV, President's List.
Meisha Vine, Dean's List.
Emily Glasgow, President's List.
Suzanna Hennington, Dean's List.
Sarah Alford, Dean's List.
Brooke Barringer, Dean's List.
Mary Gambel, Dean's List.
Collin Landry, Dean's List.
Cali Sbisa, Dean's List.
Tahnee Tetlow, Dean's List.
Alison Brabham, President's List.
Lana Fairburn, Dean's List.
Hailey Milton, Dean's List.
Liam Morrison, President's List.
Victoria James, President's List.
Michael Millet, President's List.
Emily-Kate Perrin, President's List.
Cassidy Schexnaydre, Dean's List.
Lauren Steadman, Dean's List.
Mallorie Gossett, Dean's List.
Aaron Barfield, Dean's List.
Taylor Vinson, President's List.
Angelica Johnson, Dean's List.
Tara Gengarelly, Dean's List.
Robert Vanmatre Jr., Dean's List.
Steven Babin, Dean's List.
Alexandra Grezaffi, Dean's List.
Jeanelle Higginbotham, Dean's List.
Jazmine Holloway, President's List.
Ashlee Hughey, Dean's List.
Caleb Jackson, Dean's List.
Gretchen Ledet, Dean's List.
Margaret McMeel, President's List.
Allison Mobley, Dean's List.
Abby Thibodeaux, Dean's List.
Jenna Eastwood, President's List.
Joshua Bailey, Dean's List.
Vivien Ballard, Dean's List.
Clayton Clark, President's List.
Raine Harding Mrs, Dean's List.
Madison Henderson, Dean's List.
Payton Johnson, Dean's List.
Ashley McCarty, President's List.
Micheal Parker, Dean's List.
Melody Smith, Dean's List.
Morgan Whitehead, President's List.
Ronni Wolfe, Dean's List.
Christine Bradshaw, President's List.
Taylor Dupree, President's List.
Jason Funderburg, President's List.
Katherine Futch, Dean's List.
Ethan Ginn, Dean's List.
Dylan Jung, President's List.
Savannah Kennedy, Dean's List.
Daniel Myers, President's List.
Rodney Pardue, Dean's List.
Taylor Riggin, Dean's List.
Christin Stallings, President's List.
Ashten Taylor, President's List.
Yakira Hampton, Dean's List.
Alyssa Williams, President's List.
Samantha Hamilton, Dean's List.
Ashton Jenkins, Dean's List.
Sydney Miller, President's List.
Abigail Taylor, President's List.
Shelby Taylor, Dean's List.
Leona Harris, President's List.
Devin Bourque, President's List.
Anna-Marie Freeland, President's List.
Quy Tran, Dean's List.
Connor Dubois, President's List.
Lynsie Fulkerson, President's List.
Evan Hebert, Dean's List.
Amanda Hudson, President's List.
Whitney Goins, Dean's List.
Sarah Brack, Dean's List.
Taylor Jones, Dean's List.
Hannah McDaniel, President's List.
Bryce Bordelon, Dean's List.
Blake Hinson, President's List.
Ashley Hunter, President's List.
Logan Kreyenbuhl, Dean's List.
Whitney Ledet, President's List.
Bryce Parker, Dean's List.
Will Schrieber, Dean's List.
Tabatha Pierce, President's List.
Morgan Burr, Dean's List.
Sydney Watson, Dean's List.
Jennifer Burch, President's List.
Brandi Hartley, President's List.
Victoria Cash, President's List.
Cassie Thomas, President's List.
Racheal Sparish, President's List.
Thaddeus Ary, Dean's List.
Tamercy Tellis, Dean's List.
Leah Bost, President's List.
Catherine Frazier, Dean's List.
Cameron Hyatt, Dean's List.
Morgan Johnson, President's List.
Kristin Little, President's List.
Kaylen Rowell, Dean's List.
Morgan Rowland, Dean's List.
Matthew Vanlangendonck, Dean's List.
Kymber Harvill, President's List.
Lacy Hughes, Dean's List.
Audrey Jennings, President's List.
Aaron Mceachern, President's List.
Lauren Mcwilliams, Dean's List.
Janet Brown, Dean's List.
Raegan Ferland, Dean's List.
Megan Revelle, President's List.
Logan Vidrine, Dean's List.
Sydney Martinez, President's List.
Darion Smith, Dean's List.
Alexis Lee, President's List.
Phillip Prejean, President's List.
Port Allen:
Carlie Comeaux, Dean's List.
Cody Crnkovic, President's List.
Stormy Harrison, President's List.
Amanda Miller, President's List.
Caroline Ragus, President's List.
David Ragus, Dean's List.
Emily Stalsby, Dean's List.
Morgan Green, President's List.
Seth Posey, Dean's List.
Molly Shumate, President's List.
Sidney Sibley, Dean's List.
Abby Ainsworth, Dean's List.
Tomas Alvizo, Dean's List.
Drew Bennett, Dean's List.
Mitchell Broadway III, Dean's List.
Casey Crowe, Dean's List.
Camden Dunnahoe, Dean's List.
Joseph Essex, Dean's List.
Baylen Harris, President's List.
Brandi Hughes, Dean's List.
Allison Irby, Dean's List.
Andrew Kelly, President's List.
Veronica Leggett, President's List.
Lauren Pearson, Dean's List.
Macey Philley, Dean's List.
Bethany Ratcliff, President's List.
Shane Russell, Dean's List.
Brittany Wilson, President's List.
Merary Zeron, Dean's List.
William Hale, Dean's List.
Ethan Henry, Dean's List.
Alanna Thompson, Dean's List.
Brittany Stagg, President's List.
Logan Cooper, Dean's List.
Sarah Nunnery, President's List.
Scotty Owens, President's List.
Alexis Boyd, Dean's List.
Anna Johnson, President's List.
Justin Johnson, President's List.
Sarah Little, President's List.
Beaux Vines, President's List.
Briana Wallace, President's List.
Linsey Hrabovsky, Dean's List.
Ashton Maddaloni, Dean's List.
Kara Avara, Dean's List.
Logan Oestreich, Dean's List.
Avery Barnett, Dean's List.
Chasity Duchesne, Dean's List.
Hailey Furgerson, Dean's List.
Cassie Jones, President's List.
Jacob St. John, Dean's List.
Allie Toler, Dean's List.
Torrence Barber, Dean's List.
Caitlin Brown, President's List.
Henley Perry, Dean's List.
Caitlyn Robison, President's List.
Kelsie Rogers, President's List.
Jonathan Morton, Dean's List.
Clara Ramsey, Dean's List.
Jessica Roberts, Dean's List.
Logan Kitelinger, Dean's List.
Jordan Smith, Dean's List.
Garrett Owens, President's List.
Macey Green, Dean's List.
Charlie Names, Dean's List.
Lauren Walker, Dean's List.
Ashley Haynes, Dean's List.
Molly Lovelace, Dean's List.
Ashlie Maness, Dean's List.
Edmond Singleton, President's List.
Alexandria Skidmore, President's List.
Maia Mumford, President's List.
Savannah Flinn, President's List.
Zachary Dillard, President's List.
Amanda Castillo, Dean's List.
Ckelana Caesar, President's List.
Amanda Cook, Dean's List.
Mailia Sellers, Dean's List.
Baxter Flor, President's List.
Arrion Johnson, Dean's List.
Emely Portillo-Segovia, President's List.
Chad Bell, Dean's List.
McKenna Webster, Dean's List.
Shannon Hill, President's List.
Rhiannon Fellure, Dean's List.
Mikaela Worley, Dean's List.
Richard Garcia, President's List.
Noah Ramsey, Dean's List.
Clinton Coleman, Dean's List.
Terry Pike, Dean's List.
Social Circle:
Gabrielle Steers, Dean's List.
Elizabeth Owens, President's List.
Karalyn Adams, President's List.
Kathleen Sterling, Dean's List.
Michael Ertel, Dean's List.
Hunter Hogan, Dean's List.
Albany Schaffer, Dean's List.
Daisy Morris, Dean's List.
Sera Andras, Dean's List.
Greg Sova, Dean's List.
Kayla Kathawa, Dean's List.
Kylie Kukowski, President's List.
Walker Easton, Dean's List.
Logan Eagen, Dean's List.
Baillie Cunningham, President's List.
Michelle Ates, President's List.
Ryan Buras, Dean's List.
Brandon Cohen, Dean's List.
Katherine Feroben, Dean's List.
Chanteneyah Shields, Dean's List.
Lan Nguyen, President's List.
Jessica Rindt, President's List.
William Tingle, Dean's List.
Clayton Williams, Dean's List.
Cole Gray, Dean's List.
Rio Caldwell, President's List.
Regginald Good, Dean's List.
Morgan Owens, President's List.
Mackenzie Watts, President's List.
Jessica Nguyen, President's List.
Robyn Soignier, President's List.
Robert Daniel, Dean's List.
Carly Bunch, President's List.
Madeleine Gaul, Dean's List.
Zaria Neal, President's List.
Alex Turner, Dean's List.
Chelsea Passantino, President's List.
Grace Ballard, Dean's List.
Zachary Smith Zac, Dean's List.
Shelby West, President's List.
Noah Dartmann, Dean's List.
Jerry Ehlers, Dean's List.
Danielle Landers, Dean's List.
Arron Wixson, Dean's List.
Jayna Thompson, Dean's List.
London Archer, Dean's List.
Jacob Dillon, President's List.
Kolton Childress, Dean's List.
Timothy Jurjevich, President's List.
India Ferguson, Dean's List.
Collin Turner, Dean's List.
Sadaf Helforoosh, President's List.
Kori Jewell, Dean's List.
Victoria Faglie, President's List.
Claire Bernstein, Dean's List.
Michelle Davenport, President's List.
Shamila Dubose, Dean's List.
Aaron Townsend, Dean's List.
TyLan Shelby, Dean's List.
Taylor Altieri, President's List.
Reagan Heddins, Dean's List.
Presleigh Williams, President's List.
Taitum Atkins, President's List.
Tederrol Fuller Jr, Dean's List.
Korel Chisley, Dean's List.
KeEmma Everett, Dean's List.
Crystal Hong, President's List.
Denisha Jackson, Dean's List.
Kanwal Shahid, Dean's List.
David Heaton III, President's List.
Brieanna Wrobel, Dean's List.
Grace Kelli Srichantra, President's List.
Brianna Brooks, Dean's List.
Casey Mulhearn, Dean's List.
Andrew Becker, Dean's List.
Re'Van Williams, Dean's List.
Eric Hawkins, Dean's List.
Kody Jernigan, Dean's List.
Dyasijah Mathis, Dean's List.
Jayden Mount, Dean's List.
Marcelina Perri, President's List.
Morgan Rios, Dean's List.
Hayden Holloway, Dean's List.
Kelsey McNulty, Dean's List.
Amber Smith, President's List.
Scarlett Eaton, Dean's List.
Payton Simpson, Dean's List.
Sarah Woods, President's List.
Melody Kramme, Dean's List.
Bailey Botkin, Dean's List.
Sydney McKay, Dean's List.
Peyton Johnson, Dean's List.
Erica Garcia, President's List.
Jaren Middleton, Dean's List.
Bailey Smith, Dean's List.
Joanta Holmes, Dean's List.
Joseph Millhouse, President's List.
Nathan Miranda, Dean's List.
Ty Barbour, Dean's List.
Trevor Lowery, Dean's List.
Harrison Heim, President's List.
Wesley Thompson, Dean's List.
Logan Klaus, Dean's List.
Jessica Harris, Dean's List.
Torianne Servais, President's List.
Chance Defriend, Dean's List.
Bao-An Huynh, President's List.
Dustin White, President's List.
GraceÌýConvey, President's List.
MarkÌýDeaves, Dean's List.
ShekhinahÌýWells, Dean's List.
AfongÌýFru-WeziehÌýMr., Dean's List.
KaylaÌýGallant, President's List.
CassidyÌýKunicyn, President's List.
AdenÌýMesghinna, President's List.
SharmaineÌýRapisura, Dean's List.
SavanahÌýSteines, Dean's List.
AimiliosÌýSpyridonos, Dean's List.
KaterinaÌýSvecova, President's List.
EmmaÌýBrunel, Dean's List.
MaxenceÌýCatherine, Dean's List.
RebekkaÌýSchubert, President's List.
StanleyÌýDanso, Dean's List.
YogeshÌýAgrawal, President's List.
SuvashÌýGupta, Dean's List.
AhmedÌýMujtaba, President's List.
SanjyotÌýTurna, Dean's List.
LevaughnÌýBattick, Dean's List.
Kelsey-JoÌýSharpe, President's List.
IanÌýKoechÌýMr, Dean's List.
RexÌýAcharya, President's List.
SulochanÌýAcharya, President's List.
BijitaÌýAdhikari, Dean's List.
JivanÌýAdhikari, President's List.
NischalÌýAdhikari, Dean's List.
PrachandaÌýAdhikari, Dean's List.
SwopnilÌýAdhikari, President's List.
HemÌýBÌýK, Dean's List.
SitaramÌýBanjara, Dean's List.
PramilaÌýBasnet, President's List.
PratikÌýBasnet, President's List.
YugdeepÌýBelbase, Dean's List.
BidhanÌýBhandari, President's List.
MisisipiÌýBhandari, President's List.
SandarbhaÌýBhatta, Dean's List.
SameerÌýBhattarai, President's List.
RameshÌýBista, President's List.
SakhilaÌýBista, Dean's List.
HariÌýDahal, President's List.
PujanÌýDahal, President's List.
DipeshÌýDanuwar, Dean's List.
VivekÌýDaruka, Dean's List.
AshishÌýDev, President's List.
SachiÌýDhakal, President's List.
askarÌýDhakal, President's List.
AlbinaÌýGautam, Dean's List.
SujataÌýGautam, President's List.
AnupÌýGhimire, Dean's List.
RudhanÌýGhimire, President's List.
BijayÌýGiri, President's List.
AyushÌýGupta, Dean's List.
PinkyÌýGurung, Dean's List.
RameshÌýGurung, Dean's List.
NabindraÌýGyawali, Dean's List.
SunilÌýJamkatel, President's List.
AbhashÌýJha, Dean's List.
SamirÌýKafle, President's List.
BishalÌýKarki, Dean's List.
NabinÌýKarki, Dean's List.
NiteshÌýKarki, Dean's List.
PrativaÌýKarki, Dean's List.
RochakÌýKarki, Dean's List.
SanjivÌýKarki, Dean's List.
MilanÌýKatuwal, Dean's List.
LawrenceÌýKhadka, Dean's List.
BibekÌýKhanal, President's List.
ShivamÌýKharga, Dean's List.
SovitÌýKhatri, Dean's List.
SushantÌýKunwar, President's List.
SujanÌýLamgade, President's List.
RohanÌýMaharjan, Dean's List.
KripaÌýNepal, Dean's List.
RiyaÌýNeupane, Dean's List.
SarthakÌýNeupane, President's List.
Pandey, Dean's List.
MonikaÌýPaneru, Dean's List.
PrakritiÌýPaudel, Dean's List.
ShantaÌýRakshitÌýPokharel, President's List.
BijayÌýPoudel, Dean's List.
HimaniÌýPoudel, Dean's List.
SurajÌýPoudel, President's List.
PrajalÌýPrasai, Dean's List.
SabnumÌýPudasainy, President's List.
SagarÌýPun, Dean's List.
SijanÌýPuri, Dean's List.
RiyaÌýRajkarnikar, President's List.
2ManzilÌýRayamajhi, President's List.
ArohanÌýRimal, President's List.
PrajitaÌýShah, Dean's List.
AshishÌýSharma, Dean's List.
AelbishÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
2AlinaÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
BibekÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
2SabitaÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
SachinÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
SaugatÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
ShrillÌýShrestha, President's List.
YuneshÌýShrestha, Dean's List.
NischalÌýSimkhada, Dean's List.
EmeraldÌýSingh, Dean's List.
AnishÌýSubedi, President's List.
SaileshÌýSubedi, Dean's List.
DipeshÌýTami, Dean's List.
GangaÌýTandukar, President's List.
JamunaÌýTandukar, President's List.
BikashÌýThapa, Dean's List.
SachinÌýThapa, President's List.
AswinÌýTimalsina, Dean's List.
KushalÌýTimilsina, Dean's List.
SumanÌýTiwari, Dean's List.
MunaÌýTripathi, Dean's List.
AbhayaÌýUprety, Dean's List.
LiekeÌýRolvers, President's List.
MariaÌýPiconÌýBarrios, President's List.
KaileÌýFinies, Dean's List.
SerrioÌýFinies, President's List.
DaviallyÌýFrans, President's List.
RutshainyÌýHolder, Dean's List.
AlexÌýKing, Dean's List.
ShaniÌýWhite, Dean's List.
ObiageliÌýAjunwa, President's List.
SimiloluwaÌýAruwajoye, Dean's List.
3ObiomaÌýOnyedikachi, Dean's List.
MaryÌýTokunboh, President's List.
3KatrinaÌýRoseÌýMagbojos, President's List.
AleksandraÌýJasienska, President's List.
KarolinaÌýSilwanowicz, Dean's List.
KarolinaÌýSnita, President's List.
StefanaÌýAndrei, President's List.
MadalinaÌýGrigoriu, President's List.
TeodoraÌýRadu, Dean's List.
AmmarÌýAlqahtani, Dean's List.
BiancaÌýKoen, Dean's List.
HEEJOONÌýJUNG, President's List.
OliviaÌýLandberg, President's List.
SaraÌýVesterlund, President's List.
DanyloÌýFilchenko, Dean's List.
ArianaÌýMartinezÌýCastillo, Dean's List.
DungÌýDuong, Dean's List.
ThiÌýKhanhÌýLinhÌýLuong, President's List.
HienÌýNgo, President's List.
NgocÌýNguyen, Dean's List.
TrucÌýNguyen, Dean's List.